Electron Releases

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Release Notes for v5.0.5


  • Backported fix for https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=924843. #18545
  • Fixed Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerText' of null in default-app when opening a website. #18819
  • Fixed webContents.print() callback not returning boolean correctly in all cases. #18804
  • Fixed crash in BrowserWindow destructor after win.webContents.destroy(). #18794
  • Fixed issue on macOS Catalina where the tray icon would be highlighted incorrectly and sometimes invisible. #18852

Release Notes for v5.0.4


  • Added check for invalid URLs upon setting cookies. #18756
  • Fixed window.opener null after cross-origin navigation. #18614
  • Fixed bug where notifications with same tag wouldn't show more than once when first notification was auto dismissed in Windows 7. #18741
  • Fixed exiting html fullscreen mode for embedded contents. #18781
  • Fixed issue where getEffectiveApperance and getAppLevelAppearance would return unknown instead of the correct value sometimes. #18689
  • Fixed issue where shell.openExternal would not activate opened window on macOS. #18721
  • Spellcheck providers are now (again) called with contractions and their parts. #18548