Electron Releases - v0.31.0

npm install electron@v0.31.0
yarn add electron@v0.31.0

Release Notes


  • Upgrade to Chrome 44.
  • Upgrade to io.js 3.1.0.
  • The protocol.registerProtocol and protocol.interceptProtocol APIs have been replaced by the protocol.register[File/String/Buffer/Http]Protocol and protocol.intercept[File/String/Buffer/Http]Protocol APIs.
  • The ffmpeg library is now statically linked to the binary.

Upgrade notice:

  • Most native modules are broken because of io.js upgrade, module writers need to use NAN v2 to rewrite the modules.
  • There are breaking changes in protocol module that require users to rewrite code that uses the protocol module.
  • Users no longer need to ship the ffmpeg library along with the app.