Electron Releases - v15.2.0

npm install electron@v15.2.0
yarn add electron@v15.2.0

Release Notes


  • Added commandLine.removeSwitch to allow apps to remove command line switches from Chromiums internal command line representation. #31326 (Also in 16)


  • Fixed a JavaScript exception from webContents if render frame was disposed in WebFrameMain, resets the value of render_frame_disposed_ after updating render frame host. #31426 (Also in 16)
  • Fixed black window when screen capturing a content-protected BrowserWindow on Windows 10. #31385 (Also in 16)
  • Fixed crash when changing zoom level for webview. #31376 (Also in 14, 16)

Other Changes

  • Updated Chromium to 94.0.4606.81. #31351