Electron Releases - v15.3.1

npm install electron@v15.3.1
yarn add electron@v15.3.1

Release Notes


  • Added warning when ipcRenderer.sendSync() is called with no listeners for channel on ipcMain. #31434 (Also in 13, 14, 16)


  • Changed WebHID to use disable-hid-blocklist flag to enable FIDO devices. #31649 (Also in 16)
  • Fixed <webview> background transparency regression. #31701 (Also in 14)
  • Fixed clipboard.writeBuffer(), clipboard.readBuffer() and clipboard.read()'s ability to manipulate platform-specific clipboard formats. #31720 (Also in 16)
  • Fixed a crash when a BrowserWindow is closed subsequent to its webContents being destroyed. #31644 (Also in 14, 16)
  • Fixed a tracing agent-related crash when initializing Node.js in service workers. #31476 (Also in 14, 16)
  • Fixed an issue where Content-Disposition filenames would be incorrectly truncated at the first comma for a filename attachment which contained one. #31693 (Also in 13, 14, 16)
  • Fixed an issue where MediaMetadata did not work properly. #31534 (Also in 13, 14, 16)
  • Fixed an issue where app.getPath('crashDumps') returned an incorrect path for Linux. #31712 (Also in 16)
  • Fixed an issue where clipboard.read() could cause crashes with custom clipboard formats. #31591 (Also in 16)
  • Fixed an issue which caused print settings to not work properly when printing silently. #31616 (Also in 13, 14, 16)
  • Fixed clipboard.read to once again work like clipboard.readBuffer. #31651 (Also in 16)
  • Fixed crash when using sync dialog APIs immediately after async dialog APIs. #31658 (Also in 16)
  • Fixed event with invalid timestamp in trace log. #31422 (Also in 14, 16)

Other Changes

  • Backported fix for CVE-2021-37981. #31497
  • Backported fix for CVE-2021-37985. #31516
  • Backported fix for CVE-2021-37987. #31539
  • Backported fix for CVE-2021-37989. #31523
  • Backported fix for CVE-2021-37992. #31519
  • Backported fix for CVE-2021-37996. #31543
  • Backported fix for chromium:1245870. #31501
  • Backported fix for chromium:1252858. #31680