Electron Releases - v9.2.0

npm install electron@v9.2.0
yarn add electron@v9.2.0

Release Notes


  • Added new worldSafeExecuteJavaScript webPreference to ensure that the return values from webFrame.executeJavaScript are world safe when context isolation is enabled. #24712 (Also in 10)


  • Fixed a crash that could happen when using hookWindowMessage on Windows. #24769 (Also in 10)
  • Fixed an issue where suspend/resume were emitted twice on macOS. #24845 (Also in 8, 10)
  • Fixed crash when navigating from a page with webview that has inherited zoom level. #24764 (Also in 8, 10)
  • Save crash reports locally when uploadToServer: false on linux. #24788 (Also in 10)
  • Fixed an a11y regression where children reported an index in parent greater than the parent child count. #24765