Electron Releases

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Release Notes for v36.0.0-alpha.2

Note: This is an alpha release. Please file new issues for any bugs you find in it.

This release is published to npm under the alpha tag and can be installed via npm install electron@alpha, or npm install electron@36.0.0-alpha.2.


  • Fixed an issue where system-context-menu incorrectly fired for all regions in frameless windows. #46002

Other Changes

  • Fixed an issue where Electron could fail to load on some older Linux distributions. #45984 (Also in 34, 35)
  • Updated Chromium to 136.0.7062.0. #45987

Release Notes for v36.0.0-alpha.1

Note: This is an alpha release. Please file new issues for any bugs you find in it.

This release is published to npm under the alpha tag and can be installed via npm install electron@alpha, or npm install electron@36.0.0-alpha.1.


  • Added ServiceWorkerMain class to interact with service workers in the main process.
    • Added fromVersionID on ServiceWorkers to get an instance of ServiceWorkerMain.
    • Added running-status-changed event on ServiceWorkers to indicate when a service worker's running status has changed.
    • Added startWorkerForScope on ServiceWorkers to start a worker that may have been previously stopped. #45232 (Also in 35)
  • Added WebContents.focusedFrame to get the focused frame.
    • Fixed WebContents.opener to specify potential null type. #45667
  • Added contextBridge.executeInMainWorld to safely execute code across world boundaries. #45229 (Also in 35)
  • Added view.getVisible(). #44999 (Also in 34, 35)
  • Added webContents.navigationHistory.restore(index, entries) API that allows restoration of navigation history. #45433 (Also in 34, 35)
  • Added excludeUrls to webRequest filter and deprecated the use of empty arrays in urls property. #44692 (Also in 35)
  • Added permission support for document.executeCommand("paste"). #45377 (Also in 33, 34, 35)
  • Added support for roundedCorners BrowserWindow constructor option on Windows. #45594 (Also in 34, 35)
  • Added support for service worker preload scripts. #44411 (Also in 35)
  • Redesigned preload script APIs by introducing registerPreloadScript, unregisterPreloadScript, getPreloadScripts on Session.
    • Deprecated getPreloads and setPreloads on Session. #45230 (Also in 35)
  • Removed 240 FPS limit when use shared texture OSR. #45669 (Also in 35)
  • Support Portal's globalShortcuts. Electron must be run with --enable-features=GlobalShortcutsPortal in order to have the feature working. #45171 (Also in 35)


  • Addressed two possible crashes in the File System Access API. #45233 (Also in 34, 35)
  • Backported fix for a upstream bug that cause Offscreen Rendering to stutter. #45572 (Also in 32, 33, 34, 35)
  • Fixed WebFrameMain crash related to accessing speculative frames that have been destroyed. #45609 (Also in 33, 34, 35)
  • Fixed v8.setHeapSnapshotNearHeapLimit api in main and utility process, along with support for --diagnostic-dir Node.js cli flag to specify the directory to save the heap snapshots. #45606 (Also in 33, 34, 35)
  • Fixed webContents.print() after switch to OOP printing on macOS and Linux. #45266 (Also in 35)
  • Fixed a bug where the default path didn't always correctly fill the Name field in KDialogs on Linux. #45402 (Also in 34, 35)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in OSR on window close. #45573 (Also in 34, 35)
  • Fixed a crash when calling shell.readShortcutLink caused by PKEY_AppUserModel_ToastActivatorCLSID sometimes being represented by a string uuid. #45195 (Also in 33, 34, 35)
  • Fixed a potential crash in chrome.tabs.update(). #45276 (Also in 33, 34, 35)
  • Fixed a potential crash when calling legacy getUserMedia with an invalid chromeMediaSourceId. #45733 (Also in 34, 35)
  • Fixed a potential issues permissions in the Pointer Lock API after focus loss and regain. #45574 (Also in 34, 35)
  • Fixed an issue where Node.js OOM errors terminate the process directly without raising an OOM exception. #45912 (Also in 35)
  • Fixed an issue where RTL tooltips could be incorrect when using WCO on Windows. #45405 (Also in 33, 34, 35)
  • Fixed an issue where Windows Control Overlay didn't work with some window configurations. #45422 (Also in 33, 34, 35)
  • Fixed an issue where contextmenu events wouldn't be correctly dispatched in draggable regions on Linux. #45813 (Also in 34, 35)
  • Fixed an issue where setContentProtection(true) was reverted when a given window was hidden. #45868 (Also in 34, 35)
  • Fixed an issue where drag-dropping two directories would cause getAsFileSystemHandle to never resolve. #45234 (Also in 33, 34, 35)
  • Fixed an issue where print scaling could be too small during silent print. #45218 (Also in 34, 35)
  • Fixed an issue where selection of multiple directories with the dialog module didn't work on Linux. #45373 (Also in 34, 35)
  • Fixed an issue where the renderer process crashed when loading about:blank in subframes. #45694 (Also in 35)
  • Fixed an issue where windows on Windows with backgroundMaterial lost effect on maximization. #45456 (Also in 34, 35)
  • Fixed broken OOP window.print() on macOS/Linux. #45214 (Also in 35)
  • Fixed crash in gin::wrappable::secondweakcallback. #45368 (Also in 33, 34, 35)
  • Fixed crash on startup with asan build on macOS. #45541 (Also in 33, 34, 35)
  • Fixed crash when accessing WebFrameMain frames and name attributes on destroyed frames. #45487 (Also in 33, 34, 35)
  • Fixed displaying content on macOS when using BaseWindow.showInactive. #45427 (Also in 35)
  • Fixed drag and drop icons not showing on Windows. #45767 (Also in 34, 35)
  • Fixed file preview window reappearing when calling win.closeFilePreview twice on macOS. #45319 (Also in 32, 33, 34, 35)
  • Fixed invalid memory access in pdf viewer which lead to random crashes. #45389 (Also in 34, 35)
  • Fixed spellcheck suggestions not correctly populating on Windows. #45712 (Also in 35)
  • Fixed the path for a needed library used for mksnapshot. #45488 (Also in 32, 33, 34, 35)
  • Fixed web worker scripts failing to load for chrome extensions. #45698 (Also in 32, 33, 34, 35)
  • Improved webContents loading time when resolving fonts for uncommon scripts. #45919 (Also in 34, 35)
  • Optimized webFrame.getZoomLevel and webFrame.getZoomFactor APIs. #45499 (Also in 35)
  • Re-enables the MacWebContentsOcclusion feature flag for Mac, with plans to make it enabled by default in a future release. #45775 (Also in 35)

Other Changes

  • Added NSPrefersDisplaySafeAreaCompatibilityMode = false to Info.plist to remove "Scale to fit below built-in camera." from app options. #45318 (Also in 33, 34, 35)
  • Added more helpful logging if Node.js fails to initialize. #45286 (Also in 35)
  • Backported fix for 387258077,383070811. #45495
  • Backported fix for 401059730. #45937
  • Backported fix for 401059730. #45942
  • Moved Session extension APIs to Session.extensions. #45597
  • The systemPreferences.isAeroGlassEnabled() API has been deprecated and will be removed without replacement. #45434 (Also in 35)
  • The deprecated systemPreferences.isAeroGlassEnabled() API has been removed. #45563
  • Updated Chromium to 135.0.7049.5. #45898
  • Updated Node.js to v22.14.0. #45578
