Electron Releases

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Release Notes for v9.0.0-beta.6

Note: This is a beta release. Please file new issues for any bugs you find in it.

This release is published to npm under the beta tag and can be installed via npm install electron@beta, or npm i electron@9.0.0-beta.6.


  • Added session.removeWordFromSpellCheckerDictionary API to remove custom words in the dictionary. #22368


  • Enable offscreen rendering. #22425
  • Fixed a potential crash on devices which had not connected any printers to their network. #22519
  • Fixed some properties not working in webview tags. #22511
  • Removed assurance of object identity equality from the contextBridge as it is incapable of handling mutations. #22525
  • Updating the document title while in fullscreen with custom traffic light positions no longer makes the traffic lights invisible. #22509

Other Changes

  • None. #22479
  • Updated Chromium to 82.0.4058.2. #22198

Release Notes for v9.0.0-beta.5

Note: This is a beta release. Please file new issues for any bugs you find in it.

This release is published to npm under the beta tag and can be installed via npm install electron@beta, or npm i electron@9.0.0-beta.5.


  • Fixed session.setSpellCheckerDictionaryDownloadURL to append the dictionary name at the end of requests instead of requesting the same URL for all dictionaries. #22385
  • Fixed webRequest not working for CORS requests. #22468
  • Fixed an occasional segfault with modal windows being closed or destroyed. #22445
  • Fixed issue where dictionary files for the spellchecker would be downloaded to the app install directory instead of the user data directory. #22447
  • MacOS VoiceOver is now able to find its way back into web contents after it navigated "out" of an application. #22469