Electron Releases

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Release Notes for v12.0.3


  • Allow loading source maps from custom protocols and asar bundles. #28616 (Also in 13)
  • Fixed postData parameter missing from new-window event. #28543 (Also in 13)
  • Fixed a bug where, when a JumpList task description exceeded 260 characters, the JumpList was empty, despite valid entries. #28525 (Also in 11, 13)
  • Fixed a crash when loading pepper plugins. #28373 (Also in 13)
  • Fixed a network process crash that could happen when using setCertificateVerifyProc with many concurrent verification requests. #28465 (Also in 11, 13)
  • Fixed an issue where select-serial-port callback crashes when called with an invalid serial port ID. #28618 (Also in 13)
  • Fixed an issue where window.print() did not work properly when printing a pdf from the pdf plugin. #28352 (Also in 13)
  • Fixed an issue where errors thrown in functions passed over the contextBridge could be displayed incorrectly. #28447 (Also in 13)
  • Fixed an issue where the thumbar disappeared after win.hide() on Windows. #28389 (Also in 10, 11, 13)
  • Fixed bug where TouchBarPopover and TouchBarGroup were no longer rendering. #28411 (Also in 11)
  • Fixed crash when using profiler in devtools. #28531
  • Fixed failing to request file:// resources when web security is disabled. #28560 (Also in 11, 13)
  • Fixed rare crash when initializing the internal PDF extension. #28452 (Also in 13)
  • Fixed service worker not working with custom protocol. #28355 (Also in 11, 13)
  • Support wasm-eval csp behind WebAssemblyCSP flag. #28575 (Also in 11, 13)
  • Transparent windows cannot be maximized using the Windows system menu or by double clicking the title bar. #28622 (Also in 13)

Other Changes

  • Backported fix for https://crbug.com/1181297. #28601
  • Updated Chromium to 89.0.4389.114. #28461
  • Updated community discussions link in default Electron menu. #28458 (Also in 13)


  • Documentation changes: #28363

Release Notes for v12.0.2


  • Colors returned from systemPreferences.getAccentColor(), getSystemColor and getColor are now correctly converted into the devices color space. Previously the color would have been subtly incorrect. #28172 (Also in 11, 13)
  • Fixed desktopCapturer.getSources() promise result sometimes never resolving. #28281 (Also in 10, 11, 13)
  • Fixed a rare crash on Windows that could occur when emitting certain Tray events. #28111
  • Fixed an issue where some Node.js modules would hang on page reload on Windows. #28337 (Also in 13)
  • Fixed an issue where the drag regions in BrowserViews on macOS could be off in their y-axis. #28296 (Also in 10, 11, 13)
  • Fixed context menus not being positioned correctly when near the edge of the screen. #28277 (Also in 11, 13)
  • Fixed crash when calling getBackgroundColor on a transparent window with no assigned background color. #28188 (Also in 11, 13)
  • Fixed intensive I/O from asar files causing ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND after a while. #28202 (Also in 11, 13)
  • URLS passed to shell.openExternal on windows are now correctly URI encoded. This was already occurring on macOS and Linux. #28341 (Also in 10, 11, 13)

Other Changes

  • Fixed native module compilation with AsyncCleanupHooks on windows. #28109 (Also in 11, 13)
  • Updated Chromium to 89.0.4389.90. #28174


  • Documentation changes: #28214