Electron Releases

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Release Notes for v1.7.5

Bug Fixes

  • [SECURITY] Fixed an issue where windows using nativeWindowOpen could lose their configured webContents options when navigating URLs. #9972
  • Fixed an issue where the dev tools did not open when using mixed sandbox mode. #9983
  • Fixed an issue where the native dialogs did not allow any file to be selected from <input> elements using accept attributes. #9745
  • Fixed an issue where dev tool extension content scripts were not ignoring the fragment when matching against the page URL. #9953
  • Fixed an issue where calling show() on a modal window would cause the parent window to not be re-enabled when the modal was closed. #9962


  • Fixed an issue where the IME did not properly input certain characters. #9709
  • Fixed an issue where alwaysOnTop windows would not reappear correctly after being restored from a miniaturized position. #9695


  • Fixed Tray objects not properly dispatching a click event when the first subitem was selected. #9967

API Changes

  • Added a app.disableDomainBlockingFor3DAPIs() API to disable the Chrome behavior of disabling 3D APIs for domains where the GPU process crashes too frequently. #10003
  • The new-window event now supports configuring the webPreferences of the window being opened from a window using the sandbox or nativeWindowOpen options. #9972


  • A subtitle option is now supported when creating notifications. #9903
  • Added a fullscreenWindowTitle option to the BrowserWindow constructor to show the window title when in fullscreen for windows using a custom titleBarStyle. #9788

Release Notes for v1.7.4

Bug Fixes

  • The --inspect and --inspect-brk flags are now supported when spawning child node processes. #9739
  • Removed internal use of the deprecated node Buffer constructor and instead used Buffer.from. #9733
  • Fixed an issue where PDFs would zoom incorrectly. #9700
  • Fixed an issue where window visibility events may not have been triggered correctly in <webview> pages. #9741
  • Fixed an exception being thrown when floating-point numbers were passed to webContents.printToPDF as the pageSize height or width. #9396
  • Fixed a crash when using the file chooser from a BrowserView. #9828


  • Fixed an issue where the tray icon would not display on Ubuntu 17.04. #9716


  • Fixed an issue where the wrong file extension would display in the save dialog when filters were used. #9610
  • Fixed an issue where the title bar would incorrectly display in frameless windows on 10.13 (High Sierra). #9798


  • Fixed an issue where windows would become unresponsive if started initially as fullscreen and then made non-fullscreen. #9645

API Changes

  • The crash reporter now accepts server responses in the range 200 - 299. Previously it only accepted a 200 response. #9738
  • dialog.showSaveDialog now shows the last selected directory when the defaultPath is not absolute. #9588
  • Added an experimental webContents.setIgnoreMenuShortcuts(ignore) API to ignore menu keyboard shortcuts for a specific page.
  • Added an experimental app.enableMixedSandbox() API that adds the --enable-sandbox flag to any BrowserWindow instances or <webview> tags created with the sandbox: true option.
  • Added several additional keyboard shortcuts to the integrated PDF viewer. #9892


  • A new-window-for-tab event is now emitted on app when the native new tab button is pressed. #9725
  • Menu accelerators are now displayed with the shift indicator instead of their shifted character equivalents. For example, CommandOrControl+Shift+1 will now display in the menu as ⇧⌘1 instead of ⌘!. #9743
  • Added support for button notification actions. #9837
  • Tray instances now emit mouse-enter and mouse-leave events. #9760


  • The Visual C++ runtime is now dynamic linked instead of statically linked. #9443